firewood storage ideas - the best way to store your firewood

At many homes around the world, wood is still the primary source of fuel for cooking and heating. This activity requires quite a lot of firewood every year. As much it is important to find the right firewood, it is also important to stack and store the firewood properly so that it is safe and away from rain and moisture and can be used during the most needed months of the year.

Different people have different opinions about what an ideal stack must look like. Various considerations should be taken into account while deciding a location to store the pile of firewood. Ideally, keeping the pile under evergreen trees can seem logical. However, leaving your wood in a shady place will slow down the drying process of the wood. You might opt for an indoor woodshed, but, here as well, without any exposure to wind and sun, the wood will take twice the time to dry. So, let us discuss the 4 best ideas to store firewood supplies to keep them dry and away from moisture.

  1. The rack
The rack can be ideal for a smaller stack of firewood. This rack, where you store your tools, can be used to store firewood. The wood will stay away from the earth and it will be open on all sides to facilitate exposure to wind and sunlight. This rack will help accelerate the drying process. The rack is easy to make with minimal equipment and it can be put together in minutes. To create a rack you will need:
  • 2 landscape size timbers
  • 2 long timbers, 8 feet in length, cut into equal halves to get 4 pieces of 4 feet each
  • 2 or 4 concrete blocks

The assembly is easy and done instantly. Keep the blocks of concrete at a distance of 8 feet and then lay the 2 landscape timbers over the blocks, which forms the foundation of the pile, keeping the firewood above ground level.

Next, insert the 4-foot wood pieces upright into the openings in each concrete block. This forms the side rail, which then keeps the stack stable in its upright position.

1. Stacking piles of firewood
A stacked pile of firewood is also called a ‘chord of firewood’, which is 8 feet in length, 4 feet in width and 4 feet in height, measuring 128 cubic feet in total. This is the standard dimensions in which a pile of firewood is preserved and sold.

A free-standing stack of wood can measure into several chords. Usually, firewood is marketed by suppliers in truckloads. But, the wood supplier must provide you with the price per chord, or inform you about the amount of a chord present in the truckload. In general, 1 pickup of wood is equal to 1/2 of 1 chord; it is 3/4 of 1 chord if the truckload contains boards to raise the top of the bedsides of the truck.

2. Lean-to shed
A lean-to shed is a common method to store firewood supplies. You will easily find this at most homesteads around the countryside. This type of shed can be utilized to protect animals in fields or it can be used as protection for the woodpile. In the latter option, you can use pallets to keep the wood above the ground level to avoid any moisture from seeping into the pile from the bottom.

The benefit of a lean-to shed design is that the wood will receive ample airflow from all sides and the shed will protect the wood from rain. This way, the pile will dry much faster than when kept in an entirely closed shed.

3. Holz Hausen method
Many homes across the rural countryside are applying the Holz Hausen method to stack their firewood. This traditional method was first used by the Europeans, who then shared it with the world. It is an efficient design as it allows the water to flow off the firewood, preventing it from seeping into the stack, thus, preventing the wood from rotting. This method allows the firewood to get dry at a faster pace, almost twice as fast as the usual methods of wood storage.

In the Holz Hausen design, firewood supplies are stacked on top of each other in a circle. The stack of wood tapers as it rises in height. And once the stack is approx. 6 feet in height, you can construct a roof by utilizing the bark and supplementary firewood pieces. The bark will protect the wood and will also allow it to dry.

These effective ideas will certainly help you store firewood for the longest period. And, it will make sure that the wood dries while it is stored. If you are searching for firewood supplies in Northern Beaches, visit us at 


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