6 Ways to Mulch Your Garden and Control Weeds

Weeds are a major problem when it comes to garden maintenance and to ensure that other plants in home grow properly. One must take proper measures to ensure that weed does not harm the garden area in your home. Here are the ways in which you can control the growth of weeds in your garden :

1. Let the sleeping weeds lie on the ground

It’s common for the weed seeds lie in the entire garden area, but only the ones at the top surface of the soil get enough light for germination. Regular digging also brings the hidden seeds on the upper surface which grows after some time. You should dig the ground only when it is required and should treat the disturbed spot with the mulch or plants. You can use a sharp knife or a narrow blade to slice the roots instead of digging them out. Using Mulch will keep the soil cool and moist, which will automatically deprive the weeds and reduce their growth.

2. Chop of their heads

When you are unable to remove the weeds, it would be best to chop their heads off. By cutting the heads of perennial weeds like bindweed, you will be able to reduce reseeding and force them to use the food reserves and stop the supply of root buds which will automatically limit their spread around the lawn. You can use pruning loppers for ragweed and poke, or you can use a string trimmer that comes with a blade attachment to cut the thistles.

3. Avoid too much gap between plant

You should avoid large spaces between the plants and can rather use mass planting to do so. It would be best that you avoid 25 percent of the spacing so that there remains no space for the weeds to grow.

4. Avoid watering the seeds

Weeds need water to grow, and by avoiding the same, you can deprive them of growing. You can do this by placing soaker hoses beneath mulch that would help in irrigating the plants and avoid the nearby weed to grow. It has been seen that weed-seed germination can be reduced to around 50 to 70 percent by ensuring that they do not receive water.

5. Pull out the weeds when wet
Pull out the weed when you find that the soil is wet as it would be easier to twist and cut them out. Also, wet soil means that you can easily take out the weeds from their roots and avoid them from growing again.

6. Use Mulch

Using Mulch has great benefits against weeds as it helps in keeping the soil moist and cool and restricts the growth of weeds buried deep inside the soil. Make sure to use mulch in proper quantities to restrict the growth of weeds.


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