What are the Types of Firewood and its Uses

Taking a look at firewood is something that you’d want to pay attention to! There are various types of firewood and all of them have different functioning and a different way that they burn-in. These differences are what makes them separate from each other. This will also greatly help in changing the way you’ve been using the firewood, be it for fire pit, fireplace, wood stove. It mainly has 2 categories including hardwood and softwood. This actually doesn’t mean that hardwoods are harder, and softwoods are softer. The difference is found in the actual terms of reproduction and physical structure while not in their end-use or appearance. The general difference could be pointed out as the hardwoods tend to burn much longer than the softwoods. They also don’t get much tar deposits in the area. Now let’s take a look at different types of firewood: - 
They are long and heavy pieces of wood that are good for heating up the fireplace. The three different types of firewood are as follows:
It is found almost everywhere easily, which makes it more convenient to use. It is best used when it is mixed with different types of logs. This type of logs will keep the fire up all night.
They burn comparatively much quicker than other hardwoods. There are various types depending on the type of work they do. It is also used as one of the natural fire starters. 
It is a type of wood where it burns well on its own and can also produce a steady flame. the heat output is pretty good as well. 
These woods are much lighter and lower in density than the hardwoods. They light up much faster and also gives out an immense amount of smoke and hence more suitable for outside usage. The various types of softwoods can be listed out as follows: -
These can be cut into small pieces and can be burnt, these also give out much pleasant smell. It gives a nice lasting heating effect with a strong crackling sound.
They light up easily and gives a good flame overall. For a fire starter, this wood would be more recommended. The sap and resin content of this wood tends to be higher and hence it will be much better to use it outdoors. 
These are low maintenance woods and pretty good for usage in stoves. These are also much harder than any other softwoods. They can be mixed easily with hardwood as well.
Manufactured Firewood
These above mentioned firewoods are not the only ways that can fuel up your fireplace. There are other such options which are evolving in the market which leads to the fueling up your place and keep it warm during winter. They are also made available by vendors offering firewood supplies.
Wood bricks:
They are more like the bricks which are made of wood. They are actually made of kiln-dried wood chips that has been compressed into brick-like shape. These wood, bricks can make up more fire than the other firewood. Due to their low moisture amount they burn up in a much cleaner way and do not leave ash behind.
Wood pellets or pellet fuel:
These Functions similar to the wood bricks but are not in the brick shape rather they are in the form of small pellets. They are good to be used in various heaters however not so good to be used in the wood stove. They tend to burn really quickly as well. 
With this information, you can easily select the best type of firewood to meet your heating requirements.


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